What if I just want someone to listen, not to give advice?

Some people like empathetic listeners, and some prefer getting actionable solutions. Depending on your situation and your personal needs, I can provide either. You will be in a safe, secure and comfortable setting, and anything you say will be free from any judgement. 


What is counselling or therapy?

Counselling seeks to improve relationships and personal functioning. It does this for example by relieving symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Counselling assists people to have a new perspective and process of thinking, way of feeling, and method of problem-solving. Changes occur in the way people think and feel about themselves, others, relationships, and activities they are involved in. Counselling is a treatment option for relationship issues, anxiety, depression, anger, grief, and addiction. Some studies suggest that combining medication and counselling may be more effective for people with moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety or depression.


What is your office address?

Our office is located at 156 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch Central City. An office for focused individual and couple counselling appointments. Alternatively, we also offer online counselling services.


What happens when I come in?

Initially, an appointment is arranged by phone or email. At the first meeting, you are invited to let me know your concerns, why you have come to counselling, and what you want out of counselling. I will ask what you have already tried to do to resolve the issue(s) that have brought you to counselling and what professionals may be currently involved in supporting you. Depending on the reason for attending counselling there may be a questionnaire or worksheet to fill out either during or between appointments. I will use one or more of the evidence-based therapies used for individual and couple therapy that will best fit you for the results you want to achieve. With couples counselling, I will see you together first, then individually to get more context and detail about you and your relationship, and then jointly to continue our work together.


What if we do not get along?

If my style and method of relating do not work for you then please let me know at the earliest opportunity. I can then suggest another therapist. Therapists are human and can not be a match for all people. I work collaboratively and appreciate your feedback.  I am open to hearing both what is and is not helpful to work effectively. 


What about confidentiality?

Counselling is a confidential working relationship that is a purpose-driven conversation between counsellor and client. Counsellors are ethically bound to protect client confidentiality and the professional boundary of the counsellor/client relationship. These ethical requirements assist in having an environment that is safe and secure for when deep self-disclosure is helpful.


How frequent are sessions and how long will therapy last?

Before meeting with you it is difficult to know how many sessions and how long therapy will take as it depends on many factors.  A good rule of thumb for individuals is three to ten sessions and for couples is eight to twenty sessions. Most commonly people come in once weekly. Usually, individual counselling appointments are for 50 minutes and couple counselling appointments are for 75 minutes. 


What is your cancellation policy?

Please provide more than 48 hours' notice of cancelling or rescheduling an appointment so someone else in need of an appointment can be offered that time. The following is our guideline for the cancellation of appointments:           

0 - 48 hours notice - FULL FEE REQUIRED

48 hours notice or more - NO FEE


Do you offer Supervision as well?

Yes, I do offer this service. 

Human Service organisations have found professional supervision adds value to their organisation through staff and managers experiencing a reduction in stress, clarity in the direction of work, and building resilience. Supervision can be provided for counsellors, social workers, youth workers, nurses, engineers,  business professionals and managers, peer support workers, community support workers, and education facilitators in prison and the community. I provide supervision/mentoring in person at my office and through Zoom for professionals in other regions of New Zealand and overseas.


I'm looking for an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) - is this something you help with?

Winchester Counselling takes referrals from the workplace. If you want your workplace to cover your appointment costs please contact your workplace Manager or Human Resources for their approval.  You can refer your employer to my website, or they may contact me directly. All I need to proceed with appointments is the employer billing information and the number of hours approved. I can then have confidential counselling or supervision sessions with you and invoice the company. Winchester Counselling does not contract with an EAP agency.


I don't know what to do with my life, or where it's going. Will counselling help me?


Are you struggling with life’s big questions, unsure of what your life’s direction is, or not sure what is important to you and experiencing aimlessness in what you are doing? I can help you discover what is important to you and assist you to move in that direction for a rich and fulfilling life. 

I will help you understand and move through your confusion and uncertainty to enable you to become clear about your meaning and purpose in life. I hold knowledge and experience that helps people find direction and purpose in their life. Book a session with me today and we can discuss your direction and any problems, and fears of lack of passion you're facing. 



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